viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2016

The last blog!!

Wow this year happens too fast but well the last blog. I Think that all the courses of English was very useful because begin to speak is very difficult and embarrassing. In the beginning I used to think talk with a people in other language, if the other person can’t understand you? No, thanks, but with this courses I understand that you can’t know if you speak well or not if you don’t try… any way the first step is very complicated.
I think that go to the other country for practice the English will be great because although these courses give you the opportunity to practice, if you do not practice daily is very difficult to internalize, and going to an English-speaking country is a good opportunity to do so.
The truth is that the closest thing I do in relation to the language is to read in English, not only academic material but I read manga, since Japanese translations in general are done first in English and then in Spanish, but I have also touched that some tourists have asked me in English and although they were specific things I knew how to answer them.
For end, the blog´s was very entertaining because you can think about thing about your life, it was like a little moment for thinking about your own plans or things that what you like do. Although it was sometimes difficult to fin inspiration always was fun find it.
So I hope that everybody will be a great summer vacations and rest, holidays are just around the corner.

viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2016

My study programme

Hi everyone! This week I have to talk about my study programme. Well I'm finishing the basic cycle of my career so I have not entered the mention, but I believe that the curriculum needs some changes.
the study programme I think it should be more comprehensive because is principally focus in the social area and I know that is a social career but specialties like physical anthropology or archaeology need subject more scientist for learn method and techniques that they will need in a near future. Subjects like how investigate are necessary in the career but teach only in a social way and not how the physical anthropologist will have to do it.
I’m going to focus in the programme of the archaeological mention, because is my favorite mention. In a general view, all programme I think that have many interesting subject but need others like a complement for example geology should be a useful subject, because the archaeological work have to work in the ground literally the majority of the times and a prior knowledge, about the geological phenomena, I think it is very useful.
In addition to that I think that an ethic subject could be useful because the anthropological works consist in work with people and the majority of times can affect of one way or another them life. This in complement like subjects more practical I think that could change in a better programme. 

viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2016

Summer Holidays!!!

Hi everyone!!! This it’s a great topic to do, I love the summer holidays because can go to my home town, San Antonio. The holidays go further that go out to some exotic place, I enjoy return to my home, and besides go to San Antonio have some benefit, because I have many beaches’ close of my house. Since child with my family or friends went to the beach, either to swim or just go for a walk.
Cochiguaz river
Live in the coast have a lot of benefit and one of them is that you can visit relaxing places, even though in the summer came a lot of people, exist some places that just only a few people know, so always is empty and you can enjoy of the beach only for you. In addition to this I don’t spend much money because I live there, so is very cheap goes to these places.
Rapel lake
I would like do this out with my friend (of San Antonio) or just out with them, because we don’t see us in the year, some friends study In Valparaiso other in Viña del mar and other in San Felipe, so touch together is very difficult and the summer is one of a limited opportunities that we have to do it.Stay there is awesome but I would like travel or go to camp to somewhere. In the last summer I went to my dad and cousin to camp in the Elqui valley, in the bank of the Cochiguaz river, but now I would like go to camp with some friends, maybe not so far because the money, but we can go to camp to the Rapel lake because is close to San Antonio and is not expensive. 

viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2016


Hi guys!! This week I have to write about myths so... I think that my favorites myth are Hindu myths, the Chilean myths or legends are very interesting too, but all the wonderful things that show us the Hindu legends and myths I think that are fantastic and I love it.
One of my favorite myths is about the explication of the why stay where we stay and the goodness and wickedness of the human being.
Brahma and the divinity of the human is one of my favorite myths. This said that the in the beginning all the people in the earth was god, everybody had the power of a god but that cause some problems because they can do anything that they want and for that start to abuse of his power, so Brahma the supreme god, decided revoke his “divinity” but for the first that he had to do was find a place to hide that divinity and immortality and that was not an easy work. Brahma with other minor gods thinks in hide the divinity and immortality in the deeper of the earth but Brahma said that would not a good idea because the man could dig until find it. Later someone said that in the deeper of the ocean but again Brahma said that would not a good idea because the man could learn to swim and find it. Then someone said than would be in the highest mountain of the earth but the answer of Brahma was the same, so he propose hide in a place where the human never look for, inside of him.

I think it is interesting the fact that many things about humanity that maybe don’t have a known explication, the people create some so wonderful and fantastic for explain it, and all the messages that bring on a short but deeper history.

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016

Post graduate studies

Hi everyone, this time I have talk about a postgraduate course that I would like do, but the truth is that I want do it but I don’t know specifically what postgraduate course.
My interest focus is in the archaeology that’s is sure and I like two big topics the bio-archaeology but recently I would like focus in the etno-archaeology, this two topics can I say that I would like study.
Other important topic is where I’m going to study, in Chile or abroad, I would like abroad because I think that will be very interesting travel and know other people at the time that your study but study in Chile always is an option. But I have to considerer if at the time that I decide study a postgraduate course I’m working or do something else and if I’m in Chile or in other country because that can affect my decision of study in Chile or abroad or in how want or can do it if is in a distance learning, blended system, part time or other, anyway mi first option is always a blended system.
I think that my decision of study a postgraduate course is take it but the variables like where study or how do it I think they will see each other as I move forward in my studies.

viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016

My possible future job

Hi everyone! This time we have to talk about our possible future job, but this is a difficult choose to me because i can’t decide just one area, always I see things that interest me about everything!!! And that make me difficult choose.
I join to study anthropology without something clear, I just want to study, without a clear objective, just finish, and then I don’t know. Recently I had thinking in work in the area of bio-archaeology, I like a lot of areas but this is one of my favorites. I would like work in investigation but I know that is difficult live of that, so get other job is into my plans.
In general I would like get a job in any area of archaeology, I like very much!! And I hope can do it. However I don’t imagine my life working just of that if it’s possible I would study other career like Psychology for example. 
Since child always I liked a lot of things and never I had something completely clear I think for that I haven’t clear this, but I know that I have study and work with people (either death or live), i think that sometimes we forget that we live with persons and many times we close down in ourselves, and I think that work or study this areas we can give you other perspective of the world, either through the past or the present, have less prejudice and be more closer to the others. For that and more I would like work in any of this areas.

viernes, 21 de octubre de 2016

Series :3

Hi guys! Since younger I liked the Japanese animation or the "anime" and each time that I begin to watch a new one it’s all an experience to me. The majority of the kinds of series that I had seen it become in an obsession to me but an especial one are my favorite until now.
I like a lot of genre and series of this specific animation but Mirai Nikki is without doubt one of my favorite and one of the series that I was obsessed.
When I was going to secondary we have an free hour (I don´t remember why, I think that was in course advice xD) and one day I found this series and I was show to my group of friend, and I start to watch, the series was so popular that the next week a big part of the course follow and watched the series with us. I just miss one chapter!! but I watched the same day, later of school.
The series is some gory and have a lot of action but have a story-line very interesting too, is about the time, future, parallel worlds but principally about the story of a group of guys that can see the future of different ways and they must fight to be the god of time and save they lives or dies.
The series have a lot of super-natural and maybe fantasy for some people, and that is why I’m obsessed with this series, I like the super-natural or the things that are not common at least for this part of the world.

viernes, 14 de octubre de 2016


Hi everyone!! I really like pets but I had just of one type, a hamster. I like the dogs, cats but the only animal that I can have are the hamsters because my mom is allergic, but this does mean that I don´t like this little friends. 
Now I prefer that in the possible the animals are not in captivity if it not necessary, if are in endangered species or some animal is damaged for our fault can be necessary but just for a time, or the domestic species I´m in degree that stay in captivity but I accept that certainly have a level of dependence for us but this don´t mean that we have keep this animals in a jail.
Even if a think this when I was a child I had two hamsters, but a least I left that roll it in his sphere. Many persons don´t like this animals because seems a rat and although belong to the same family I think that are one of the animals more adorable.
In all my life I had two hamsters, the first was shared with my cousin, in that time we was neighbor, so I cared "Campanita" for one day and my cousin one day too. This last just a few month because finally our hamster escape and we can´t find it.
My second hamster "Jerry" it was very funny because he had a sphere and all day turn around for the garden. I think that with this little animals, you can´t go for a walk with them but are very cute, soft and are easy to clean, use a little of space, almost nothing, and can surprise you ore be a good friend for a little child.

sábado, 8 de octubre de 2016

The Elqui valley!!!

Cochiguaz river

Hi, everyone! Without doubt one of my favourite holidays was my first holiday, with my parents and my cousin went to La Serena. This journey was the first out of our region so everybody we were all scared but too exited

In this journey we were visited many places but the most beautiful place that i have ever seen is de Elqui valley especially in the night. The Elqui valley have a magic sensation in any place that you stay, the nature the sky the people, everything is amazing but in the night all take other dimension.

Astronomic center "Mamalluca"

In the night the sky seem so bright, the brightness of stars you transferred a similar sensation to the sun, but a faint way, even you can almost think that you can touch the sky is simply amazing.

Everything in this travel was amazing but without doubt the best was the astronomic center "Mamalluca" because in addition to see the night wonderful sky of Elqui we could see through professional telescopes and for this I hope visit many many times more this magic place.

viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2016

English IV!!: Switzerland!!

Hi everybody!! This time we have to talk about a country that i would like to visit and for me at least, it makes me difficult because i would like visit a lot of countries, but i can´t write every country of the world, so for this post i choose Switzerland!!

This country is very small but one of the advantages is that border with many countries like Italy, France, Germany and Austria and this gives you the option of visit more places. Of this come of in one of the principal reasons to visit this country but other of the same importance is because makes one of the chocolate more delicious of the world!! In addition to the previous this place is a very beautiful place for relax. 

Rhine Falls 
Switzerland has a lot of amazing views associate principally with the nature, like The Rhine falls, in this place you can sail for the torrential current of this river and stand up in the middle of one of the waterfall biggest in Europe. 


But this not ends here, Switzerland have a lot of tourist attraction, especially about winter sports, considering that the geography of this part of Europe is mainly mountainous. Exist many ski´s centers like Zermatt where you can find winter sport but too all a place to relax.

Swiss Chocolate Train
But my favorite part is without doubt, the chocolate, and in the Swiss Chocolate Train is a perfect start for begin a tour for the factories of chocolate in one of the countries famous for the manufacture of this product.

Anyway, this is a incredible place to visit and even though i would like visit many places, this is unmissable. 

miércoles, 20 de julio de 2016

My footprint

Hi everybody, this time we have to calculate us footprint and well… I take a great surprise, I thought that my footprint would be really big but no, is below Chilean average, my footprint is around 1,6 tonnes of CO2e, that is really good!!

I’m not a person who worry constantly about be environmentally friendly, I care sometimes when a person throw out trash in the grass or in the sea, in any part less in a dump. But I found to my surprise I have a footprint bellow than the Chilean average.

Some examples that we can make easily are: use bicycle, plant a tree, conserve water, don’t use plastic bag, buy locally grown products or do composting. This things are easily to do and don’t represent a big change in your usually habits. You can take this little changes like a first step for something more or some help to get better and keep the environment.

I can say many things that we can make for care de environment but I think that if we don’t have conviction and constancy, realize change in the people behaviour for care the environment, the things that make a group, will not have long-term impact.

jueves, 14 de julio de 2016

My London planning!!

Hi guys! I hope you have a good week, well this time I have to tell about my London planning made in class. In first place I think that the places recommended are very cool but exist many places that is necessary show.

One of my favourite places in London is the London eye, that sound a little boring, but I think that is the perfect attraction for begin and end a trip because you can see a big part of the city, a panoramic and a magic view of London.

Other place incredible to visits is the Madame Tussauds museum, although this museum is not just in London a think that in any place that you can go to this museum, you should go, why? That is simple, because is a great show of a beautiful art and technique of sculptures.

All the museums of art like the Tate modern or the historic places like the Westminster abbey or the big ben are an unmissable option to visit London. But to me exist a dream place, the Sea Life London Aquarium, this place is incredible, mean the opportunity of see many kind of fish that can´t see in the nature and is unlikely can see that quantity of species.

Certainly London is an incredible an unforgettable city a great place for walk and know, and a place that I will travel some day.

martes, 28 de junio de 2016

Kaguya hime no monogatari

Choose a movie is complicated to me because I have watched many movies and exist some very good, so in this occasion I choose "The tale of princess Kaguya". This is a movie based in a Japanese folktale about a bamboo cutter, is an animation movie of Isao Takahata in studies Ghibli in 2013. 

In general terms the story tell us about how the bamboo cutter found a little girl inside of a bamboo and the special about this girl. The bamboo cutter and his wife adopted this girl and reared as his daughter. 
The girl grows more fast that a common child while the bamboo cutter keep going with his work but since the finding of the girl find things like money or kimonos which are deduced belong to the girl. 

From these facts the adoptive parents of the girl think that she comes to the earth to be a princess and live like one. But the girl is so happy in the place where live that causes very sadness to leave this place, so we can live like a princess in the city.

Well my intention is not tell all the story so I leave to you just in case you want to see. I found unexpectedly this movie as it was looking for other but to the end I find the awesome movie. The story maybe is fantastic but the way in which is develop is great, the animation, the colours, the music, everything is perfect not more not less.

I recommends absolutely for all the people, this movie comes to the heart and surely will leave more than a reflection.

domingo, 19 de junio de 2016


Hi guys! In this moment I haven’t a favourite band because I like a lot of music so I’m going to talk about two band that were important in my life (until now).

"Nightwish" that was one of my first favourite band and even now I’m hear some songs. This band play symphonic metal, the music is very magical to me even now makes me dream with histories or fairy tales. when I was I child I liked this kind of thing but I thought that the common stories of princes were very boring (even now) so I was looking for in the songs stories more interesting and in this kind of music I found it.

Then my guilty placer the "Jonas brothers". I liked the pop but I’m not a completely fan but this group I really liked and I have to admit that they were handsome also had to do. the music of this group represent like a stage of my life, the music it represented fun and love, friend, etc. things that I wanted to experience, and I thing for that I liked.

Now I listen a little of both but I don’t have a favourite group I discovered that I liked the folklore in general. Since child in my home I was heard a lot of Victor Jara, Violeta Parra and others. I grew up with this song so for me always was natural heard that music, just now I discovered my taste for this music, for the music genre not only for the Chilean folklore, but the folklore in general, like the English folk, because listen this music is listen a little piece of a culture.

domingo, 12 de junio de 2016


hi everyone!!, well, I would like learn many things but exist one that for me learn to do that will be a dream come true.

Fly... sound very fantastic no? But speaking seriously I would like learn to pilot airplanes, I have always wanted and someday I’m sure that I will do it.

Since that I was I very young girl I wanted fly, literally fly, just with my body but I as grew older, I realized that could be not possible (well... someday I hope that will be possible xD) so the only way to achieve my goal is learn to pilot airplanes.

In the beginning my objective was apply to the air force, I really liked the kind of planes that they have but apparently that was the only thing that I liked because I realized that I don’t like the "careers" and the method that taught in that place.

Later I thought that be a commercial pilot, but was an idea that leave very soon because is very monotonous pilot a plane so big, the little changes of the wind could not feel in a plane so large. 

So the actual option for me is learn to light plane. Is a little plane, you can feel more the changes of the wind and is more accessible for learn. And above all things, for me learn to fly is a dream, so the way how happens, both the method and the plane in which learn does not correspond to a great concern to me, what it is really preoccupation to me is learn to do it.

martes, 7 de junio de 2016


Well… Santiago… this city is in which I study but is not one of my favourite cities but after all each city have a god side and a bad side.

In Santiago exist tree thing that I hate very much, first is the pollution, the large number of persons and the extension of the city… is too big for me. I come from a city, a town very small compared to Santiago and is a harbour so the air is very fresh and “clean” and there are just a few people so still you can enjoy of some of quiet. Instead in Santiago is very difficult find places the inspire me the quiet as in my town but definitely still you can find that places.

Definitely exist places that I liked very much are very quiet but I liked places that inspired a lot of fun and adrenalin “Fantasilandia” this is one of the best thing of living in Santiago I loved go with my friends and try all the games… yes all of them. Other thing that I liked very much that exist a lot of activities you can go to watch a movie or go to watch a theater play or participate in various types of courses, in Santiago the activities don´t lack.

Honesty I don’t know what specific thing I will change about Santiago, really a think that will be very difficult change something of Santiago and any initiative for change the city is necessary do it with great care and long term. Maybe one of the thing would be the transport system bur for can change that first, I think that it will change the politicians and for do that is the most difficult.

Nonetheless exist good things and places very cool. One of the first thing that recommended me were the parks because I like the nature and quiet but if you liked the big cities I think that the best place for coming a tour is the area of “Bellas artes”, there are a spectacular architecture, the design of the house is old and represent different period of the history of Santiago so that grant a good first place for know the city.

p.s: I know that I upload late that post but anyway I wanted do it.

Regards...!! :)

My Career...!

Hi guys... why I choose this career? Well this is an easy question to me.
I'm a person who cannot decided easy but I'm a person very calm too. My principally objective is finish the university but the career, as a decision, was not a worry. I knew it that I would apply for the social or humanist area but the majority of careers they seemed to me equally interesting.

When I apply for college, within that broad area of careers I choose as first option psychology and then I had to choose the second option and I chose anthropology but only by the large number of issues that comprise and well... I did it!!

Always I loved read but in a moment of my life I start to think that just read is not enough at least for me and the thing that capture my attention and is the application of the knowledge so direct in the work of physical anthropology or archaeology , I like the idea of study the past and can understand the construction of the future of both past and present and specially what things move the humanity and any speciality of the career I think that have a little of that, understand the values and ideas of both past and present we can help us to haven´t prejudice and can understand the “world” and oneself of many ways.

One of my favourite subject in this moment is anthropology and physical anthropology because can appear different both consist principally in understand a thinking, a language, for this way understand different perspective of a same reality, both the history of the life, the different periods of the “evolution” and the mythology or the savage mind of Lévi-Strauss show two sides of a same reality.

p.s.: I know that I upload late that post but anyway I wanted do it.

Regards!! :)

domingo, 22 de mayo de 2016

Strikes and demonstrations are the only way to obtain changes?

Hi everyone, well... this week I have to talk about education and a specific topic that the miss propose capture my attention. This week I'm going to talk about if the strikes and demonstrations are the only way to obtain changes.
First I think that is absolutely necessary but exist other processes to complement this demonstrations. Second, the way in which is develop in the last years is worn out because not practice the same pressure in the government to make real propose.
How say early the strike and demonstrations I think that are necessary for show the discontented and obtain changes or the first step for made it but too is necessary update the ways of this. The protest each time lose a little of legitimacy of the people instead of bring more and this is in part for the worn out and the violence nature that it has become the demonstrations.

The protest lose their “power” or the ability to unite the people and practice the popular sovereignty but this do not mean that de manifestations been irrelevant for the show the discontented and obtain changes the will be meaningful to the people.

viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016


Hi everybody! Have a nice weekend... today I´m going to talk about a place that I would like to visit.
The truth is that this topic is very complicated to me because if was possible I visit all places in the world. It is for that reason that I can´t choose just one but for this post I have to reduce the options so I m going to talk about just my favorite place.
I can´t choose just one place so I choose one continent, or a part of a continent, Latin America.
This place is unmissable and I have to go, that´s is funny no? in fact I live in a part of Latin America but I would like the rest... like the Amazonas, places that you think that only exist in dreams like "Cascada arcoiris, Chile" in where the wind its so intense that actually is not a fall, the wind makes back the water, its like a waterfall inverted or "Laguna Cejar, Chile" where the water have so much salt that you can not sink or places in which the water have color like red or green, like in "Laguna verde, Bolivia" or "Laguna colorada de Uyuni, Bolivia". These places are fascinated to me, in to many sense!! and not just the things that considered good, all the things, like ensemble. Its is that transform this place, an oneiric place.
I thing that my perception that Latin America it’s a little magic, but with places like we have and the persons that habit in that places it’s difficult not do it.

"Cascada arcoiris, Chile"

"Laguna Cejar, Chile"

"Laguna verde, Bolivia"

"Laguna colorada de Uyuni, Bolivia"

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016


Hi everybody! well, my experience in the preparation of the presentation was a short experience making the text because I had a class of the topic that I m chose so all the doubts was remove, and that was useful for develop the topic in the text. I delayed about two days and one hour each day, so totally I spend about two hours for made it. Once finish I send the text to the miss for could review and that way correct the errors. Then corrected the text, I start to study for the day of presentation.

In the presentation i was to nervous i forget some pronunciation and for that i think that I read too much but in spite of it was very entertainment made this work because could explore deeper more of my favorite topics, the Bio-archaeology and like this discover thing as their history or the different approach that have this discipline.

viernes, 29 de abril de 2016

The Cameras...

The cameras!! are my favorite invention of technology, this choose can seem a little usual but a thing that is well funded. 
The technology actual want have a machine that be fast for the requirements of the persons being each time more and more fast even overtake the person, altering her life of the negative en deeper way. Sure that if one know how control the technology and not let that the technology control ourselves. 
Return to the cameras i thing that this machines show the previously explanation. The cameras in the beginning of her creation just could take just a few pictures and then each time more and more pictures until come to the actually where we can take a ridiculous amount of pictures and for what? for keep safe your memories in a memory card... a memories that just remember through a lens.
i am a fan of the cameras and i was a few over my life but i think that the people forget how use it or how live a moment... i am not a judge but a thing that the camera is a help of our memory not Our Memory.
The first camera the i had was a toy with images inside, it was amazing, i pretended that take pictures for all my room.

 Later I used a old camera of my grandmother (a very old…) that even used a reel.

Then when i being older and according to my parents more responsible i did receive a real camera!!!!! It was my favorite Christmas. 

The last year that camera suffered a little accident and get ruined so now i am used just my cellphone that too suffered an accident so is not take the best pictures.
Well now I m collect money for buy a new camera so i hope collect enough money some day for buy the dreamed camera...xD