martes, 7 de junio de 2016


Well… Santiago… this city is in which I study but is not one of my favourite cities but after all each city have a god side and a bad side.

In Santiago exist tree thing that I hate very much, first is the pollution, the large number of persons and the extension of the city… is too big for me. I come from a city, a town very small compared to Santiago and is a harbour so the air is very fresh and “clean” and there are just a few people so still you can enjoy of some of quiet. Instead in Santiago is very difficult find places the inspire me the quiet as in my town but definitely still you can find that places.

Definitely exist places that I liked very much are very quiet but I liked places that inspired a lot of fun and adrenalin “Fantasilandia” this is one of the best thing of living in Santiago I loved go with my friends and try all the games… yes all of them. Other thing that I liked very much that exist a lot of activities you can go to watch a movie or go to watch a theater play or participate in various types of courses, in Santiago the activities don´t lack.

Honesty I don’t know what specific thing I will change about Santiago, really a think that will be very difficult change something of Santiago and any initiative for change the city is necessary do it with great care and long term. Maybe one of the thing would be the transport system bur for can change that first, I think that it will change the politicians and for do that is the most difficult.

Nonetheless exist good things and places very cool. One of the first thing that recommended me were the parks because I like the nature and quiet but if you liked the big cities I think that the best place for coming a tour is the area of “Bellas artes”, there are a spectacular architecture, the design of the house is old and represent different period of the history of Santiago so that grant a good first place for know the city.

p.s: I know that I upload late that post but anyway I wanted do it.

Regards...!! :)

3 comentarios:

  1. I hate pollution too, is one of the things that I hate more, I like Fantasilandia like you but now is very very expensive, so much.

  2. I love fantasilandia but is very expensive :( and "Bellas Artes" is a beautiful place for visit.

  3. Yes, fantasilandia is very expensive now :'c
