sábado, 8 de octubre de 2016

The Elqui valley!!!

Cochiguaz river

Hi, everyone! Without doubt one of my favourite holidays was my first holiday, with my parents and my cousin went to La Serena. This journey was the first out of our region so everybody we were all scared but too exited

In this journey we were visited many places but the most beautiful place that i have ever seen is de Elqui valley especially in the night. The Elqui valley have a magic sensation in any place that you stay, the nature the sky the people, everything is amazing but in the night all take other dimension.

Astronomic center "Mamalluca"

In the night the sky seem so bright, the brightness of stars you transferred a similar sensation to the sun, but a faint way, even you can almost think that you can touch the sky is simply amazing.

Everything in this travel was amazing but without doubt the best was the astronomic center "Mamalluca" because in addition to see the night wonderful sky of Elqui we could see through professional telescopes and for this I hope visit many many times more this magic place.

1 comentario:

  1. in that valley you can really relax, everything so quiet and calm, and the stars, what an experience!
