viernes, 29 de abril de 2016

The Cameras...

The cameras!! are my favorite invention of technology, this choose can seem a little usual but a thing that is well funded. 
The technology actual want have a machine that be fast for the requirements of the persons being each time more and more fast even overtake the person, altering her life of the negative en deeper way. Sure that if one know how control the technology and not let that the technology control ourselves. 
Return to the cameras i thing that this machines show the previously explanation. The cameras in the beginning of her creation just could take just a few pictures and then each time more and more pictures until come to the actually where we can take a ridiculous amount of pictures and for what? for keep safe your memories in a memory card... a memories that just remember through a lens.
i am a fan of the cameras and i was a few over my life but i think that the people forget how use it or how live a moment... i am not a judge but a thing that the camera is a help of our memory not Our Memory.
The first camera the i had was a toy with images inside, it was amazing, i pretended that take pictures for all my room.

 Later I used a old camera of my grandmother (a very old…) that even used a reel.

Then when i being older and according to my parents more responsible i did receive a real camera!!!!! It was my favorite Christmas. 

The last year that camera suffered a little accident and get ruined so now i am used just my cellphone that too suffered an accident so is not take the best pictures.
Well now I m collect money for buy a new camera so i hope collect enough money some day for buy the dreamed camera...xD

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