viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2016

The last blog!!

Wow this year happens too fast but well the last blog. I Think that all the courses of English was very useful because begin to speak is very difficult and embarrassing. In the beginning I used to think talk with a people in other language, if the other person can’t understand you? No, thanks, but with this courses I understand that you can’t know if you speak well or not if you don’t try… any way the first step is very complicated.
I think that go to the other country for practice the English will be great because although these courses give you the opportunity to practice, if you do not practice daily is very difficult to internalize, and going to an English-speaking country is a good opportunity to do so.
The truth is that the closest thing I do in relation to the language is to read in English, not only academic material but I read manga, since Japanese translations in general are done first in English and then in Spanish, but I have also touched that some tourists have asked me in English and although they were specific things I knew how to answer them.
For end, the blog´s was very entertaining because you can think about thing about your life, it was like a little moment for thinking about your own plans or things that what you like do. Although it was sometimes difficult to fin inspiration always was fun find it.
So I hope that everybody will be a great summer vacations and rest, holidays are just around the corner.

viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2016

My study programme

Hi everyone! This week I have to talk about my study programme. Well I'm finishing the basic cycle of my career so I have not entered the mention, but I believe that the curriculum needs some changes.
the study programme I think it should be more comprehensive because is principally focus in the social area and I know that is a social career but specialties like physical anthropology or archaeology need subject more scientist for learn method and techniques that they will need in a near future. Subjects like how investigate are necessary in the career but teach only in a social way and not how the physical anthropologist will have to do it.
I’m going to focus in the programme of the archaeological mention, because is my favorite mention. In a general view, all programme I think that have many interesting subject but need others like a complement for example geology should be a useful subject, because the archaeological work have to work in the ground literally the majority of the times and a prior knowledge, about the geological phenomena, I think it is very useful.
In addition to that I think that an ethic subject could be useful because the anthropological works consist in work with people and the majority of times can affect of one way or another them life. This in complement like subjects more practical I think that could change in a better programme. 

viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2016

Summer Holidays!!!

Hi everyone!!! This it’s a great topic to do, I love the summer holidays because can go to my home town, San Antonio. The holidays go further that go out to some exotic place, I enjoy return to my home, and besides go to San Antonio have some benefit, because I have many beaches’ close of my house. Since child with my family or friends went to the beach, either to swim or just go for a walk.
Cochiguaz river
Live in the coast have a lot of benefit and one of them is that you can visit relaxing places, even though in the summer came a lot of people, exist some places that just only a few people know, so always is empty and you can enjoy of the beach only for you. In addition to this I don’t spend much money because I live there, so is very cheap goes to these places.
Rapel lake
I would like do this out with my friend (of San Antonio) or just out with them, because we don’t see us in the year, some friends study In Valparaiso other in Viña del mar and other in San Felipe, so touch together is very difficult and the summer is one of a limited opportunities that we have to do it.Stay there is awesome but I would like travel or go to camp to somewhere. In the last summer I went to my dad and cousin to camp in the Elqui valley, in the bank of the Cochiguaz river, but now I would like go to camp with some friends, maybe not so far because the money, but we can go to camp to the Rapel lake because is close to San Antonio and is not expensive. 

viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2016


Hi guys!! This week I have to write about myths so... I think that my favorites myth are Hindu myths, the Chilean myths or legends are very interesting too, but all the wonderful things that show us the Hindu legends and myths I think that are fantastic and I love it.
One of my favorite myths is about the explication of the why stay where we stay and the goodness and wickedness of the human being.
Brahma and the divinity of the human is one of my favorite myths. This said that the in the beginning all the people in the earth was god, everybody had the power of a god but that cause some problems because they can do anything that they want and for that start to abuse of his power, so Brahma the supreme god, decided revoke his “divinity” but for the first that he had to do was find a place to hide that divinity and immortality and that was not an easy work. Brahma with other minor gods thinks in hide the divinity and immortality in the deeper of the earth but Brahma said that would not a good idea because the man could dig until find it. Later someone said that in the deeper of the ocean but again Brahma said that would not a good idea because the man could learn to swim and find it. Then someone said than would be in the highest mountain of the earth but the answer of Brahma was the same, so he propose hide in a place where the human never look for, inside of him.

I think it is interesting the fact that many things about humanity that maybe don’t have a known explication, the people create some so wonderful and fantastic for explain it, and all the messages that bring on a short but deeper history.

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016

Post graduate studies

Hi everyone, this time I have talk about a postgraduate course that I would like do, but the truth is that I want do it but I don’t know specifically what postgraduate course.
My interest focus is in the archaeology that’s is sure and I like two big topics the bio-archaeology but recently I would like focus in the etno-archaeology, this two topics can I say that I would like study.
Other important topic is where I’m going to study, in Chile or abroad, I would like abroad because I think that will be very interesting travel and know other people at the time that your study but study in Chile always is an option. But I have to considerer if at the time that I decide study a postgraduate course I’m working or do something else and if I’m in Chile or in other country because that can affect my decision of study in Chile or abroad or in how want or can do it if is in a distance learning, blended system, part time or other, anyway mi first option is always a blended system.
I think that my decision of study a postgraduate course is take it but the variables like where study or how do it I think they will see each other as I move forward in my studies.

viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016

My possible future job

Hi everyone! This time we have to talk about our possible future job, but this is a difficult choose to me because i can’t decide just one area, always I see things that interest me about everything!!! And that make me difficult choose.
I join to study anthropology without something clear, I just want to study, without a clear objective, just finish, and then I don’t know. Recently I had thinking in work in the area of bio-archaeology, I like a lot of areas but this is one of my favorites. I would like work in investigation but I know that is difficult live of that, so get other job is into my plans.
In general I would like get a job in any area of archaeology, I like very much!! And I hope can do it. However I don’t imagine my life working just of that if it’s possible I would study other career like Psychology for example. 
Since child always I liked a lot of things and never I had something completely clear I think for that I haven’t clear this, but I know that I have study and work with people (either death or live), i think that sometimes we forget that we live with persons and many times we close down in ourselves, and I think that work or study this areas we can give you other perspective of the world, either through the past or the present, have less prejudice and be more closer to the others. For that and more I would like work in any of this areas.

viernes, 21 de octubre de 2016

Series :3

Hi guys! Since younger I liked the Japanese animation or the "anime" and each time that I begin to watch a new one it’s all an experience to me. The majority of the kinds of series that I had seen it become in an obsession to me but an especial one are my favorite until now.
I like a lot of genre and series of this specific animation but Mirai Nikki is without doubt one of my favorite and one of the series that I was obsessed.
When I was going to secondary we have an free hour (I don´t remember why, I think that was in course advice xD) and one day I found this series and I was show to my group of friend, and I start to watch, the series was so popular that the next week a big part of the course follow and watched the series with us. I just miss one chapter!! but I watched the same day, later of school.
The series is some gory and have a lot of action but have a story-line very interesting too, is about the time, future, parallel worlds but principally about the story of a group of guys that can see the future of different ways and they must fight to be the god of time and save they lives or dies.
The series have a lot of super-natural and maybe fantasy for some people, and that is why I’m obsessed with this series, I like the super-natural or the things that are not common at least for this part of the world.