viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016

My possible future job

Hi everyone! This time we have to talk about our possible future job, but this is a difficult choose to me because i can’t decide just one area, always I see things that interest me about everything!!! And that make me difficult choose.
I join to study anthropology without something clear, I just want to study, without a clear objective, just finish, and then I don’t know. Recently I had thinking in work in the area of bio-archaeology, I like a lot of areas but this is one of my favorites. I would like work in investigation but I know that is difficult live of that, so get other job is into my plans.
In general I would like get a job in any area of archaeology, I like very much!! And I hope can do it. However I don’t imagine my life working just of that if it’s possible I would study other career like Psychology for example. 
Since child always I liked a lot of things and never I had something completely clear I think for that I haven’t clear this, but I know that I have study and work with people (either death or live), i think that sometimes we forget that we live with persons and many times we close down in ourselves, and I think that work or study this areas we can give you other perspective of the world, either through the past or the present, have less prejudice and be more closer to the others. For that and more I would like work in any of this areas.

viernes, 21 de octubre de 2016

Series :3

Hi guys! Since younger I liked the Japanese animation or the "anime" and each time that I begin to watch a new one it’s all an experience to me. The majority of the kinds of series that I had seen it become in an obsession to me but an especial one are my favorite until now.
I like a lot of genre and series of this specific animation but Mirai Nikki is without doubt one of my favorite and one of the series that I was obsessed.
When I was going to secondary we have an free hour (I don´t remember why, I think that was in course advice xD) and one day I found this series and I was show to my group of friend, and I start to watch, the series was so popular that the next week a big part of the course follow and watched the series with us. I just miss one chapter!! but I watched the same day, later of school.
The series is some gory and have a lot of action but have a story-line very interesting too, is about the time, future, parallel worlds but principally about the story of a group of guys that can see the future of different ways and they must fight to be the god of time and save they lives or dies.
The series have a lot of super-natural and maybe fantasy for some people, and that is why I’m obsessed with this series, I like the super-natural or the things that are not common at least for this part of the world.

viernes, 14 de octubre de 2016


Hi everyone!! I really like pets but I had just of one type, a hamster. I like the dogs, cats but the only animal that I can have are the hamsters because my mom is allergic, but this does mean that I don´t like this little friends. 
Now I prefer that in the possible the animals are not in captivity if it not necessary, if are in endangered species or some animal is damaged for our fault can be necessary but just for a time, or the domestic species I´m in degree that stay in captivity but I accept that certainly have a level of dependence for us but this don´t mean that we have keep this animals in a jail.
Even if a think this when I was a child I had two hamsters, but a least I left that roll it in his sphere. Many persons don´t like this animals because seems a rat and although belong to the same family I think that are one of the animals more adorable.
In all my life I had two hamsters, the first was shared with my cousin, in that time we was neighbor, so I cared "Campanita" for one day and my cousin one day too. This last just a few month because finally our hamster escape and we can´t find it.
My second hamster "Jerry" it was very funny because he had a sphere and all day turn around for the garden. I think that with this little animals, you can´t go for a walk with them but are very cute, soft and are easy to clean, use a little of space, almost nothing, and can surprise you ore be a good friend for a little child.

sábado, 8 de octubre de 2016

The Elqui valley!!!

Cochiguaz river

Hi, everyone! Without doubt one of my favourite holidays was my first holiday, with my parents and my cousin went to La Serena. This journey was the first out of our region so everybody we were all scared but too exited

In this journey we were visited many places but the most beautiful place that i have ever seen is de Elqui valley especially in the night. The Elqui valley have a magic sensation in any place that you stay, the nature the sky the people, everything is amazing but in the night all take other dimension.

Astronomic center "Mamalluca"

In the night the sky seem so bright, the brightness of stars you transferred a similar sensation to the sun, but a faint way, even you can almost think that you can touch the sky is simply amazing.

Everything in this travel was amazing but without doubt the best was the astronomic center "Mamalluca" because in addition to see the night wonderful sky of Elqui we could see through professional telescopes and for this I hope visit many many times more this magic place.