viernes, 29 de abril de 2016

The Cameras...

The cameras!! are my favorite invention of technology, this choose can seem a little usual but a thing that is well funded. 
The technology actual want have a machine that be fast for the requirements of the persons being each time more and more fast even overtake the person, altering her life of the negative en deeper way. Sure that if one know how control the technology and not let that the technology control ourselves. 
Return to the cameras i thing that this machines show the previously explanation. The cameras in the beginning of her creation just could take just a few pictures and then each time more and more pictures until come to the actually where we can take a ridiculous amount of pictures and for what? for keep safe your memories in a memory card... a memories that just remember through a lens.
i am a fan of the cameras and i was a few over my life but i think that the people forget how use it or how live a moment... i am not a judge but a thing that the camera is a help of our memory not Our Memory.
The first camera the i had was a toy with images inside, it was amazing, i pretended that take pictures for all my room.

 Later I used a old camera of my grandmother (a very old…) that even used a reel.

Then when i being older and according to my parents more responsible i did receive a real camera!!!!! It was my favorite Christmas. 

The last year that camera suffered a little accident and get ruined so now i am used just my cellphone that too suffered an accident so is not take the best pictures.
Well now I m collect money for buy a new camera so i hope collect enough money some day for buy the dreamed camera...xD

domingo, 24 de abril de 2016

Well, hi everybody!! this week im talking about my experience in the activities of the Unit 3: Tools of the trade
Act. 1: In the first activity i had to find in the site a good desk top computer for a budget of  $800 and then a computer desk with a budget of $200. i find a very good computer the CyberpowerPC Business Intrinsic BLL300 because how said in the specs, this computer have a CPU Intel i5-4460, a multicore-technology, a lot of capacity of storage, betwen other specs and the cost of this product is $620.957. 

I found the computer desk just for $152.652 and you can put in order yours paper or document in the compartments attached.
Act. 2: in the second activity i have to take two test of the topic of internet. In the internet quiz i got 7 answes corret of 10 questions and in the second test my level of adiction to internet was MILD 31- 49 points because a have 33 points
Act. 3: in this activity i had a 96% bucause in the first attempt i was wrong in two words but in the second time i was all right.
Act. 4:and in the last activity a choose the article Why do some cultures require women to wear veils?
1. i select this article because i think that is a very interesting topic to treat of a anthropological perspective.
2. no much, but a think that is a good article of introduction for this topic.
3. i think that thing most interest is that in some countries is prohibited the use of veils.
4. vow: to make a ​determined ​decision or ​promise to do something
worn: wear, to be dressed in or carry on (a part of) the body
garmet: (formal) an article of clothing
beating: to strike or hit repeatedly, to win against
ripping: rip, to ​pull ​apart; to ​tear or be ​torn ​violently and ​quickly
suss: to ​realize, ​understand, or ​discover
piety:having or showing strong religious feelings, reverence for or devotion to God etc
pío, piadoso, devoto; beato (peyorativo)
a pious woman/attitude.
piously adverb
› píamente, piadosamente, devotamente; beatamente
piety /ˈpaiəti/ noun
› piedad
badge: mark, emblem or ornament showing rank, occupation, or membership of a society, team etc
rejection: to refuse to accept
further: at or to a great distance or degree
cloak: a loose outer garment without sleeves, covering most of the body
mesh: (one of) the openings between the threads of a net
encompasses: to ​include different ​types of things
scarves: a ​strip, ​square, or ​triangle of ​cloth, ​worn around the ​neck, ​head, or ​shoulders to ​keep you ​warm or to make you ​look ​attractive
acquainted: (formal ) to make (usually oneself) familiar (with)

viernes, 15 de abril de 2016

"An Epic Journey"

Well... happy weekend!!!. this time we must write about a picture and I choose this one because I remember a very exciting, funny moment. 
The history of this picture begin in the school. An anything day after of school I saw a post meanwhile I watched facebook, the post said that in a few days the university "Federico Santa María" (FSM) take it a PSU sample. Of course I called to my best friend for go with her. It was a hard work to convince her that she says yes and can go with her to the FSM. I'm from San antonio and the university stay in Viña del Mar so we has to take a bus to go. It was our first travel alone... completely alone It was very funny and entertaining at least for me, because one thing was come to viña but other thing was found the university. We get lost but for luck we could found the way... finally...

Later, we needed eat... we has hungry... a lot of hungry... so that was another challenge to us... find a place for lunch...was very difficult but finally...again... we did it. Was in that moment when we took the picture we found that incredible view and for a few minutes we can rest, without an uncomfortable silent moment... just a relax moment...

After all, was a great travel, was the first alone for both and we did it together, it was a great moment and I always will  remember that moment like a treasure.
When we go back to home, both been agree to call this travel how an "Epic Journey" because was a fort travel, we walked around for many place and we lived many news experiences for finally come to our destiny.

viernes, 8 de abril de 2016

"...All those other things.."

"All those other things..." I think that this sentence describe a big part of me. Hi everybody my name is Emily Godoy Rojas, I have 19 years old and I´m in the second year of anthropology. One of the reasons for that I´m, here, is for know all those other things, not just which it involves of my academic career, is also about the experiences that involve the fact of study any career. I´ m not from Santiago so, change of city, friend, everything!! it was very exciting and particularly motivator for know and try other things...